FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 61

Issue 61
Published February 2015

Beneath the Fire     Neil Hoffmann
Form Manifested     Heidi Kreitchet
Experiential Inquiry     Graeme Wilkie
Expectations and Risk Malcolm Wright
Inspirations of Time and Place Yasuhisa Kohyama
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Detail of Homura by Yasuhisa Kohyama.
Photograph: Ikko Naano.
FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 61

Issue 61
Published February 2015

Beneath the Fire     Neil Hoffmann
Form Manifested     Heidi Kreitchet
Experiential Inquiry     Graeme Wilkie
Expectations and Risk Malcolm Wright
Inspirations of Time and Place Yasuhisa Kohyama
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Detail of Homura by Yasuhisa Kohyama.
Photograph: Ikko Naano.