Issue 60
Published November 2014

The Down-draught Firebox Before and
    After Bourry
Robert Sanderson
Materialization Mitch Iburg
Heated Up High 'Magas Höfokon' Júlia Néma
Moorish Kilns in Spain Àngel Igual Poveda
Pennsylvania Sutema Jack Troy
2nd European Woodfire Conference
Tribute to Gerry Williams Maureen Mills
Tribute to John Chalke Linda Christianson
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Detail of Material Study by Mitch Iburg.
Photograph: Mitch Iburg.
FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 60
FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 60

Issue 60
Published November 2014

The Down-draught Firebox
    Before and After Bourry
Robert Sanderson
Materialization Mitch Iburg
Heated Up High Magas Höfokon Júlia Néma
Moorish Kilns in Spain Àngel Igual Poveda
Pennsylvania Sutema Jack Troy
2nd European Woodfire
Tribute to Gerry Williams Maureen Mills
Tribute to John Chalke Linda Christianson
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Detail of Material Study
by Mitch Iburg. Photograph: Mitch Iburg.