FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 69

Issue 69
Published February 2017

The Glaze Kim Ellington
Woodfiring in a Tradition Ben Owen III
Interview Akira Satake
Risk Tradition and Growth David Stuempfle
Out of Isolation Ken Sedberry
Jugtown Pottery Vernon, Pam, Travis and Bayle Owens
Two Kilns Mark Hewitt
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Detail of micro-crystals in patina green glaze, by Ben Owen III.
Photograph: Art Howard.
FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 69

Issue 69
Published February 2017

The Glaze Kim Ellington
Woodfiring in a Tradition Ben Owen III
Interview Akira Satake
Risk Tradition and Growth David Stuempfle
Out of Isolation Ken Sedberry
Jugtown Pottery Vernon, Pam, Travis and Bayle Owens
Two Kilns Mark Hewitt
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Detail of micro-crystals in patina green glaze, by Ben Owen III.
Photograph: Art Howard.