FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 45

Issue 45
Published February 2011

Infinite Variations Gérard Quinchez
Ash Glaze as Ceramic Terroir Willi Singleton
Glazes for Woodfiring Mark Griffiths
The Castles of my Childhood were made
    of Human Clay
Jean Jacquinot
The Interconnection of Clay, Glaze and Fire Michael Hunt & Naomi Dalglish
Why I Don't Make Shino Steve Harrison
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Detail of Vase by Gérard Quinchez.
Photograph: Gérard Quinchez.
FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 45

Issue 45
Published February 2011

Infinite Variations Gérard Quinchez
Ash Glaze as Ceramic Terroir Willi Singleton
Glazes for Woodfiring Mark Griffiths
The Castles of my Childhood were made of Human Clay Jean Jacquinot
The Interconnection of Clay, Glaze and Fire Michael Hunt & Naomi Dalglish
Why I Don't Make Shino Steve Harrison
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Detail of Vase by Gérard Quinchez.
Photograph: Gérard Quinchez.