Issue 36
Published December 2008

Gwyn Hanssen Pigott - Complex Simplicity Aarti Vir
Ute Dreist - A Voyage to Distant Lands Katharina Bertzbach
Wood to Fire Jann Kesby
The Common Thread - A Summary
    of an Education
Tom Alward
All in the Ash Ben Brierley
Off the Cuff David Whitehead
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Gwyn Hanssen Pigott stoking her Bourry-box kiln, Australia. Photograph: Ray Cavill.
FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 36
FRONT COVER:The Log Book issue 36

Issue 36
Published December 2008

Gwyn Hanssen Pigott - Complex Simplicity Aarti Vir
Ute Dreist - A Voyage to Distant Lands Katharina Bertzbach
Wood to Fire Jann Kesby
The Common Thread - A Summary of an Education Tom Alward
All in the Ash Ben Brierley
Off the Cuff David Whitehead
Backlog/Events Calendar

Front Cover: Gwyn Hanssen Pigott stoking her Bourry-box kiln, Australia. Photograph: Ray Cavill.